Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Prayers - The Gospel According to Dickens - Week 4

Holy God who will be who you will be, with you the future is nothing to be feared, for you have promised that you will not abandon any good work. As we draw near to Christmas Day, guide our minds to think on that future celebration when you will come to complete the redemption of all things, and all will be your people and you will be their God. Give us grace to live with the hope that you are coming soon, and then all we have known dimly will be seen face-to-face. We ask this in the name of Emmanuel and for the glory of the Father, Son, and Spirit. Amen.

Prayers - The Gospel According to Dickens - Week 3

Holy Spirit, you suffuse every second and every breath. No moment passes that you are not with us, within us, forward and behind us. Renew our Spirit in this season of waiting that we may see with eyes that seek the need in the midst of satisfaction, beauty in the midst of barrenness. And, then, recreate our hearts into those like our Savior Christ that reach out to the world in need, remembering that it was a dirty, dark stable in which Love was born. We ask this in the name of our Savior so we might glorify him, the Father, and you, Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers - The Gospel According to Dickens - Week 2

God of every moment, like Scrooge we too are sometimes haunted by the past—by who we were and who we could have become, by what we did and what was left undone. And, like Scrooge, we find that they are shadows that do not hear or see us, no matter how we might call to who we have been. Lead us not to despair, but deliver us to hope that you are the God of the Cross who can redeem all our moments and bring us to the morning rejoicing in the wonder of your work. We ask this for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ who reigns with you, Father and Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers - The Gospel According to Dickens - Week 1

Risen Lord, in this season of anticipation, we remember your warning that some may remain unconvinced even if someone came back from the dead. As we read together a story of ghosts—past, present, and future—convince us that Hope is stronger than despair, Faith greater than disbelief, and Love stronger than death. This we ask for the glory of God—Father, Son, and Spirit—in the holy name of Jesus Christ. Amen.