Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Jesus is terribly, terribly rude.

Yes, it's nice that he goes out of his way to show how much he cares about the "poor" and those who are not as…well, you know…those who haven't gotten it all together. I suppose he does it to show off just how loving he is. Well hooray for Jesus. Now, can we please stop this nonsense? It's bad enough he wants to spend the day walking around and (God forbid it) talking to these degenerates. But to sit and have dinner with them. That's just unseemly.

And it's rude. It's terribly rude. After I went and invited Jesus long before these vagabonds did. I know the value of extending a dinner invitation well in advance. I know how busy Jesus' schedule is and how he'd prefer a well-thought-out meal than this…crock pot concoction these people are giving him.
Don't get me started on their table talk either. The things they say ought to make Jesus stand up and storm out of the room. It would be bad enough if he just continued sitting there, but oh no he doesn't stop there. No, he has to go and laugh at their crude jokes and the uncivilized things they do all day. God help me, he even joins in the conversations with them about shepherding and…I can't even talk about it. It's just so vile.
If he'd come to my house I'd have provided him with intelligent conversation. We'd have talked about holy things and not…this. I might have even gotten him to talk some more about this grace idea of which he seems so fond. It seems to run against God's way, but I'm willing (and educated enough) to follow his logic. These people could no more understand what Jesus was talking about than if he tried explaining what this "kingdom" of his is supposed to look like.

And what did he mean by that ridiculous story he told? I'm guessing he's just trying to fit in with this rabble. There was no moral whatsoever in that tale. Imagine, giving your child their inheritance while you're still alive. And then having a little party for him when he came home from squandering every penny of it? Please, I'm with the older brother. The dad should have locked the door and had a party for him instead. He's the one that deserved the good treatment after all.

But I suppose that's what happens when you hang out with this kind of people. Next thing you know he'll be telling them that they'll be "first" in his kingdom or some nonsense like that. As if that's what grace is about.

Christ, you sat down with rich and poor, righteous and unrighteous. Thank you for sharing table with us even though we often squander all we've been given.

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