Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Redemption Project - One

Dear Jesus,

Hope this finds you well in these sad and troubled times. I'm sure you are busy as so many are sick, grieving, dying. I will be brief.

I've been reading your prayer this week, the long one from right before you died. You wanted us, all of us, to be one. You wanted us to be this single-minded organism of love moving and changing this world. I guess you knew you were going away, maybe that's even why you did. You wanted us to go and change the world.

Far be it from me to presume that I know better than you, but I am writing to ask if, perhaps, it's time for a new plan. Yours doesn't seem to be going the way you hoped. I'm writing to ask if you've thought of coming back, just for a little while?

We rejected you when you were here. I get that. You said some pretty radical stuff. I've had my whole life to try and absorb all you said, and I'm still wondering about some of it. I mean, some of that stuff about money and possessions...there's a tricky line between hoarding and being wisely prepared. Things are expensive out there.

Anyhow, the world wasn't ready for you back then. It's still not ready for you. That's our fault. We haven't done a good job preparing them for you. We've not been good at staying on-message.

And I know, I know. It's not like when you came the first time that got us all aligned, working together. We have this bad habit of hearing what we want to hear. And, yes, we'll probably go off in a dozen directions again.

But, I still think you need to come down here, be with us. Maybe just walk around, like you did before, looking like one of us. Think of it, you come here looking like every other Tom, Dick, or Harry and start, I don't know, being nice to people on the street, trying to help those who have fallen on hard times, comforting those who've lost someone. Maybe just you doing stuff like that would get some of us doing the same thing, and that might get more people involved and maybe that'd get us back on track. Maybe we'll be able to start changing this world, making it more like the world you dream about—one where love is more important and we all act more...I don't know, like one.

Anyhow, I won't keep you. It's just I keep looking around and it seems like we need you so badly. I wish you were here. I wish you were moving among us, showing us what it means to live as if Redemption had come. I think it might make a difference.

If you get a moment, let me know what you think. I understand if you don't respond right away. Hope to hear from you soon.

I love you.

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