Friday, January 11, 2019

First Sunday After the Epiphany - 2019 - Isaiah 43:1-7

At the outset of a new year, the wind chill, the nights long, Isaiah comes along telling us about God's presence with us in the flood and fire. And, notice what it says: when. When you pass through the waters. When you walk through the fire. Not "if" but when. These things will come. We will find ourselves, like the Psalmist, with the waters risen up to our necks. We will, by accident or by force, find ourselves on a path through the flames. Flames, perhaps, from our personal worlds burning down or from the fires that burn in our broken world.
 I'll be there, God says. Not that you won't see these times, but that when you do, I will be there.
And we, servants no greater than our master, are called to do the same. We are called to be there in flood and fire for each other. We cannot quench the flames or hold back the water, but we can stand by and hold their hand.
Christ promised us that he would not leave nor forsake us; so, we must also hold fast and refuse to abandon one another when the forces outside our control come raging and flooding upon us.
We must also accept the hand that reaches out to us in our time of flames and flood. We must reach out; because, none of us is meant to go through these times alone.
And, together, we shall not be overwhelmed.

Dear Savior, Redeemer, friend, draw close this year and show us what it is to be with one another in the times where the fires and floods of life—spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical—attempt to overwhelm us. Bless us as we emulate you both as the one present and the one to whom others are present. All for your glory and that the world may know of your love. Amen.

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