Friday, January 18, 2019

Second Sunday After the Epiphany (John 2:1-11)

How often has someone brought out the best but you didn't notice because you weren't there. You were there physically, but your mind was elsewhere—going over the to-do list for work, worrying that odd noise the refrigerator was making. In the single, fleeting moment that the wine was poured out, the glasses filled, you didn't taste it.

The story of the Wedding at Cana is about a moment. It begins at a particular time "three days later" at a specific event—a wedding. There are guests, many others gathered to share this moment. And into this time and place comes a miracle. Not a world-changing miracle, just a small act that does little more than prevent a day being spoiled.

But, still, had the Chief Steward been focused on the dishes waiting in the sink at home or replaying a conversation from yesterday in his head would he have noticed the vintage he drank? Would he have tasted, truly, how good God is?

Christ remains present with us acting and loving. Yet, he does that in that most sacred of times: the right now. And where he is present, miraculous and beautiful things can and often do happen. It is where he constantly calls us, reminding us to worry not about tomorrow or yesterday.

And, if we follow that call, we too might find ourselves saying "you have kept the good wine until now."

Ever-Present One, in our daily work and play, help us to see the miracles present all around us.

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