Thursday, April 9, 2015

Prayers - Living Resurrection Week 1 (Second Week of Easter)

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 1
(Based on Acts 4:32-35)

Sunday: Awesome God, on the first day of the week you broke through the barrier between life and death and opened a way for us all.  Break through, this day, those barriers that separate us from you and from one another, by the love that binds you, the Son, and the Spirit. Amen.

Monday: Lord Jesus it is difficult to be of one heart and mind with you much less each other.  Like the stone before the tomb, roll away those things that separate us from you and from one another, for the glory of the One and Holy Trinity. Amen.

Tuesday: Holy One, even though you have given me all that I have, I still hold back from you what I call my own.  And the tighter I hold, the less you can give and share with me.  Open my hands and my heart to return to you all the blessings of my life and make me able to receive so much more. Amen.

Wednesday: Resurrected Lord, in this season of celebrations I do not always embrace the joy that comes from the knowledge that you overcame death.  Startle me with the emptiness of the tomb so that my life and speech and deeds all testify that the One they crucified lives. Amen.

Thursday: God of abundance, every day I see that there are needy among us. Where I can, let me be a vessel to feed those who are hungry, give drink to those who thirst, and point to all the Living Water that satisfies.  This I ask only so that you who Create, Redeem, Sustain are glorified. Amen.

Friday:  Oh God, it would be so wonderful to come before you today and willingly lay all my worries, concerns, and my whole heart at your feet.  But to do this means that I would totally submit to your will for me and to all those things over which I think I have control.  Grant me courage this day to lay just one of those things before you and trust that you love me. Amen.

Saturday: Passionate Savior, as I begin to allow you and others behind the barriers I have built to protect me, I am made aware of the places in me that need your healing, that need resurrection.  Let your love fill me and make me whole in you.

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