Sunday, April 19, 2015

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 2 (Third Week of Easter)

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 2
(Based on Acts 3:1-10)

Sunday: God of life, you have shown us in the resurrection of your Son that nothing is beyond your power.  We ask in the words of the psalmist to restore us today, O Lord, to communion with you and one another, for your glory and your glory alone. Amen.

Monday: Dear God, I come to you today in this moment of prayer and ask that you open my eyes to those around me this day.  Help me to see as you see, to notice the things that escape my self-centered, human eyes.  Do this that I may be restored to a heart like yours. Amen.

Tuesday: Humble Spirit, I am too proud to beg, and because of this I am afraid to be dependent on you and those around me.  So this day, I ask you if you have anything for me that I can receive and in receiving pass on your love, your grace to others.  This I ask Christ’s name. Amen.

Wednesday:  Loving Savior, too often I turn to you and to those around me like a vending machine and expect you to answer my cravings and desires on my time.  Help me instead to be open to receive what you have for me since those things are so much greater than I can ever ask or imagine. Amen.

Thursday: God of wholeness, you always reach out to me even when I feel ignored, forgotten, or undesirable.  So fill me with your love and Spirit that I might dare to reach out to others and in so doing bring them to the knowledge of your embrace.  This I ask for the sake of others and for your glory.  Amen.

Friday: Spirit of Grace, this week I have looked to you, expecting to receive something.  In this time as within the whole of my life you have given to me in your name the riches of your realm. As this week draws to its close, I give you thanks that from you always come gifts more precious than silver or gold and for no other reason than love you have stopped to notice me.  I love you and thank you.  Amen.

Saturday: Dear Jesus, on this earth you ran afoul of the powers of this world and its prince. As I have dared this week to explore what it means to receive from you and give to others, I too am bound to come into conflict with this world.  Give me strength and courage to continue reaching out to you and others and always expecting to receive something greater than I imagined.  Amen.

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