Sunday, April 26, 2015

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 3 (Fourth Week of Easter)

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 3
(Based on Acts 4:5-12)

Sunday: Risen Jesus, you overturned tables in the temple and dared to call out those thought beyond reproach.  Trouble us this week through you Word that we might be reminded that the world shook on that Easter morning and so should our worlds tremble when we remember anew when we say Alleluia, Christ is Risen. Amen.

Monday: God of All, change is not one of my favorite things.  And so, when someone comes with something new I often want to challenge them than listen to them.  I’d rather interrogate than talk.  But in so doing, I know that I may miss something amazing You are doing.  Help me approach every change today as if it may be coming from Your servant who will unleash the power of Your Resurrection in our world.  Amen.

Tuesday: Gracious God, it is likely that no one will ask me today by what power or authority I am acting.  Even so, help me to acknowledge to myself and You that everything I do is in your strength and because of who You are.  For it is in Christ alone that I can do all things and anything. Amen.

Wednesday: Indwelling Spirit, I have only the vaguest notion what it is like to be filled with You.  To do this means that I have to dare to be dependent  and not be able to take the credit for all the good things I say and do.  Help me, this day, to dare to trust not in my own power but in the power that overcame despair and death.  Let me do this for the glory of none other than the One who is Three.  Amen.

Thursday: Merciful God, how wonderful it would be to be called into account for something good I’ve done for someone else.  Most of the time, I’m too concerned that I will be found out regarding something I’ve done to someone else.  During the hours of this day, grand me the grace to act as You have acted toward me.  This I ask in the name of Your Christ. Amen.

Friday:  God of salvation, you dared to come into our world so we might be brought into relationship with you.  Give me the courage to go into the worlds of others that may be as alien to me as ours to You; so, they might draw close to you.  Amen.

Saturday: God of the unexpected, this week I may have dared to get in a little trouble on Your behalf.  In so doing I have learned to trust in You and not my own understanding.  As I prepare for a new week this day, help me, in trust, to be prepared for wherever You may take me.  Amen.

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