Saturday, May 9, 2015

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 5 (Sixth Week of Easter)

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 5
(Based on Acts 10:17-23; 44-48)

Sunday: Lord Jesus Christ, through you all things were made and it is only through you that we accomplish every good thing.  Help us in this coming week to remember our dependence upon you and how that dependence makes us partners with you and, in turn, makes us free.  This we ask for the glory of the Holy Three. Amen.

Monday: Transcendent Spirit, I am often like Peter, still thinking about what You have done or said when something new has come.  There are times I want to hesitate and puzzle You out before moving on, but You have other plans.  Help me to trust you in all the places You lead me and never hesitate in an opportunity to cast aside my nets and follow you.  Amen.

Tuesday: Patient Lord, how often do you tell me not to hesitate to go or do?  And why do I equally as often pause and put you off as if you didn’t have my best interests always at the forefront of Your mind?  For today, by Your Spirit, I want to act at just a word from You and act as if I am what I long to be: Your willing and loving partner.  This I ask so I might, at the close of this day, give you thanks.  Amen.

Wednesday: Spirit, fall upon me this day.  Let me hear myself speaking in strange tongues to myself words of hope and love and encouragement not only to those I love, but to those who I struggle to love.  In doing this, let your greatness and the greatness of the Holy Trinity be proclaimed.  Amen.

Ascension Thursday: Jesus, on this day you left your place here for your position at the Father’s right hand.  You left us together to wait on your return.  Give me the grace I need to partner with all those who watch and wait for that moment and who work to see you present in every face that is hungry or thirsty.  Do this for the glory of your name and the name of the One God who created us, redeemed us, and sustains us.  Amen.

Friday: God, sometimes I am amazed when I hear your voice coming from unexpected people.  As it is your good will to pour out your Spirit upon all who call upon you, let me never forget that your desire is to work in concert with all people of this earth.  Give me ears to hear those around me that I might hear you speak.  I ask this so I might give you glory.  Amen.

Saturday: Jesus, my companion, my friend, as I find myself on the cusp of the last week of this season, I think again how wonderful it would be to see you and walk and talk with you.  And when you left, you did so with a promise that one day all of us would do just that.  In the meantime, as I wait and watch for you, give me grace to see you in each face I encounter and let those who I walk with in the days to come see you in me.  I ask this so that others might turn and give thanks to the Holy Three who are One.  Amen.

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