Saturday, May 16, 2015

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 6 (Last Week of Easter)

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 6
(Based on Acts 1:6-11)

Sunday: God of springtime and harvest, we are nearly at the end of another season and preparing to return to that long stretch of ordinary time. In these last days of Easter, prepare us for the time to come and the work to be done that when the season’s change comes again we will be found having prepared ourselves and others to look and watch, and wait for your Return.  We ask this in the name of the One who died but rose again. Amen.

Monday: Your time, Lord, is difficult.  There are things I want to have happen now. At times, I believe I know better than you do when and what should happen.  Forgive me for thinking I am wiser than you and help me to wait upon you.  Do this so I can see, when that time comes, that you are deserving of all power and all glory. Amen.

Tuesday: Loving God, I’m a horrible witness for you.  I don’t love like you love.  I’m selfish, prideful, self-absorbed, and far from someone you’d want to represent you.  But for some reason, you called me from my nets and told me to go out and be one of your witnesses.  Let your Spirit fall fresh on me; so, I may be an example of your light in this world.  And let me turn afterwards to give thanks to you, one holy and gracious God. Amen.

Wednesday: Radiant Son, there are times where the clouds of life come, and I cannot see you.  Like the arrival of a storm front, my world turns to gray and gloom.  Help me, in those overcast moments, to sense your presence around me and know that nothing can separate me from your love. Amen.

Thursday: God of every moment, like the disciples, I sometimes get caught staring at the past rather than moving on to the actions of the present.  Remind me, nudge me, move me forward away from nostalgia and into the life more abundant you have waiting for me in this present moment. This I ask so I may draw glory to you Father, Son, and Spirit. Amen.

Friday: Lord Christ, help me to live this day and each day forward in the hope and expectation that today could be the day you return to make all things new and finish the good work you have begun in me.  By your Spirit, help me live this day as if I believed you might return today.  Amen.

Saturday: Alpha and Omega, as the thoughts of the season that is passing away fill my mind, aid me as I turn my mind toward the season of the coming of your Spirit.  Let me not forget, in the coming days, the darkness of Good Friday so I might remember the light of Easter morning.  Let me not forget your Presence so I might be Christ and see Christ to and in all I meet.  May I do this so your holy name might be glorified on earth as in heaven.  Amen.

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