Sunday, May 3, 2015

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 4 (Fifth Week of Easter)

Prayers – Living Resurrection Week 4
(Based on Acts 8:26-40)

Sunday: God of Abraham, sometimes you ask us to go without telling us the destination.  For Your joy, you set us out on roads literal and symbolic that will always lead us closer to you.  Give us faith and courage to follow you to the place you will show us that we may be reborn into the people you created us to be.  We ask this for the glory of the One and Holy Trinity. Amen.

Monday: Leading Spirit, some years Lent ends but I am still wandering in the wilderness.  I feel like I am going in circles, lost without a guide.  But I follow you in these times, trailing along behind a cloud or flame.  Lead me to the place you will show me where I might find again the tomb empty and the stone rolled away. Amen.

Tuesday: Word of God, there are times I read Scripture and, like the Ethiopian eunuch, I do not understand.  Sometimes I’m too tired to plumb the depths and other times I am overwhelmed by what you’re asking me to do.  Be my guide as I read and study so I might understand who you are and dare to go all the places you would lead.  I ask this so Your glory is made complete. Amen.

Wednesday: God-with-us, you talked and ate with tax collectors, outcasts, and those in authority.  Give me the strength and courage to be like you, to reach out to those who do not move in the circles that I do; so, I might learn from them and they from me.  Amen.

Thursday:  Patient God, every day there is so much to do, so many demands upon my attention.  And, some days, it seems like a burden when I have to stop for a stranger, a friend, a family member along my way.  But as I trust you for my direction, I also need you to help me remember that I do not always know my destination.  So, in those times of interruption help me to remember that while I’m headed elsewhere, often where I am is where you have led me to be.  Amen.

Friday: Ever-present Spirit, there are times on my journey that I have to say goodbye.  I lift up to you now [naming those who, living or dead, you no longer live near] and others whose walk has taken them on a different path than mine.  And I ask that through you I can share the love I have for them until we see one another again in this world or in the world to come.  This I ask as a member of your great realm.  Amen.

Saturday: Dear Jesus, I know that I do all things because you strengthen me to do them.  This week, as I have thought about the journey on which you are leading me, I am thinking about those who have been partners with me on this road.  And though I long to be independent, Your Presence reminds me that I am dependent upon You for everything.  As I prepare for a new week’s beginning, call to mind those who have been a partner to me in drawing closer to you and drawing others into your embrace.  I ask this for love of God, who is One and Three.  Amen.

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